Season 2 Episode Schedule

Season 2 is underway! We’ll be covering a myriad of topics from cooking to travel hacks and our very first LIVE episode, an ode to Brenden Fraser, who some said was gone, but we said “Where? He was here all along”. We’ll also be continuing two of our popular series, “The World of Autoimmune” and “Self Care”. In addition, join us for the debut of our new series as the Productivity Professor (Dallas) gives some fantastic techniques on how to manage your time and energy to improve your productivity this year and stress less!

  • 1/4/2023 Time Management with the Productivity Professor
  • 1/18/2023 Patient Advocacy (Autoimmune Series) with Dr. Sima Kahn of Healthcare Advocacy Partners
  • 2/1/2023 Valentine’s Day
  • 2/15/2023 Cooking Vs. Eating Out
  • 3/1/2023 Movement and Exercise (Self-Care Series) with Tash Fitness
  • 3/15/2023 Energy Management with the Productivity Professor
  • 3/29/2023 Coffee Vs. Tea – The second cup with Kat at Dandelion Tea House and Apothecary
  • 4/12/2023 Tech Rage
  • 4/26/2023 Live Watch Party 9:00 PM EST – The Brenaissance of Brenden Fraser (The Mummy and George of the Jungle)
  • 5/10/2023 Cleaning Hacks
  • 5/24/2023 Creating a Capsule Wardrobe
  • 6/7/2023 Get “Red”-y for Travel